
Cristina is a full-stack software engineer passionate about all things Java, JVM, cloud computing, the Spring ecosystem, microservices, data warehousing and analytics, as well as modern web development technologies. She has been engineering computer software in corporate settings for almost two decades, gaining extensive domain knownledge in the areas of: cloud operations, reverse logistics and supply chain, ecommerce, retail, healthcare, e-learning, search and content management portals.

Cristina has worked for highly innovative, international companies, such as: ISDC, where she was involved in rebuilding and redesigning a huge codebase of a Dutch Information Services provider to achieve higher performance, scalability and reduce operational costs by moving to open source, and Cycleon, an awarded international Supply Chain and Service Integrator, where she has been entrusted most of the Enterprise Integration challenges, achieved a higher degree of modularity and technological up-to-date status of old codebase, contributed to moving software platform from on-premise to Amazon EC2 and pioneered software solutions for a range of clients in hi-tech and electronics.

Cycleon SCEE RMA Portal and Repair Centers Integration

Her passion for software engineering dates way back before her corporate journey, she started programming at the age of 13. She holds a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and various certifications.

She is born and bred in Transylvania, a central region of Romania, and is a multiculti by definition: Hungarian, Romanian and Dutch.

When she is not found behind a computer, she is most likely outdoors, enjoying nature (Transylvanian mountains are hard to find in The Netherlands, but there is plenty of water and nice cycle routes), travelling or trying out some new sports. 2017’s top of the list were bootcamp in the park, high intensity training and surfing.